2013 Call for Proposals

YRC MEETS JUNE 27-29, 2013
to consider
YRC 2013: Agency & Access: Emerging Directions

THE YOUNG RHETORICIANS’ CONFERENCE on college rhetoric and composition, part conference and part retreat, invites reflection and welcomes your ideas for encouraging and enabling students’ skills and passions relative to all aspects of discourse — cognitive, pragmatic, and artistic.  Until April 15, 2013, we are accepting proposals for general and concurrent sessions.   In keeping with the sense of the conference, please try to show interplay of theory and practice—not privileging the one to the other.

You may submit a proposal for either a whole 90-minute session (two or more persons) or for a place in such a session.  Please focus your idea(s) and supporting material to read 250 words (one page).  We accept both email and ground mail proposals.  In either case, be sure to include:

  1. The title of your presentation
  2. Your various means of contact:  address(es),
  3. Your college/school affiliation(s),
  4. Phone(s), and Email.

==>    For regular mail proposals: Print the form (2013 YRC call for papers) and attach it to your one-page proposal.  Send your proposal to:

Sterling Warner, YRC Chair/Coordinator
Evergreen Valley College
c/o 2942 Neal Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128

==>    Send email proposals to: jsterlingw@sbcglobal.net

We look forward to learning of your ideas!