Elections & Volunteering

Executive Board

YRC is an all-volunteer organization, which is part of our magic! The bylaws call for annual nominations/elections, where the Vice-President position is elected for two years—they serve as Vice-President for one year, then President for the subsequent year. Every year during the conference, we hold an election for the following positions:

  • Vice-President (two-year commitment)
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Candidates may provide statements before the election. The current Executive Board is comprised of:

  • Co-Presidents: Brenda Sanfillipo and Avantika Rohatgi
  • Co-Vice Presidents: Sara Nuila-Chae and Crystal Mueller (automatically become Co-Presidents after end of term)
  • Notetaker/Facilitator: Dan Curtis-Cummins (until end of term)
  • Treasurer/Facilitator: Clara Weygandt (until end of term)

We need at least one person to volunteer (or be nominated and accepted) to run for Vice President.

The Co-Presidents and Treasurer have legal duties filing paperwork with the city, state, and federal governmental agencies.

The bylaws can be found on the Nonprofit Information page.

Volunteer Opportunities

We count on you to volunteer to help at the YRC Conference. Would you like to moderate a session or two? Help with a social event or virtual coffee break? Email us at youngrhetconf@gmail.com or use the Contact Us form to let us know!